Thanks for all the sweet comments last is a refreshing perspective to think of infertility as a love story, so thanks to Tabi for that. I do firmly believe that couples who are challenged significantly and come out on the other side emerge as a stronger unit, but I must say you gotta go into it strong in the first place.
So what's this about blogolimbo land? I'm a pretty avid blog reader-duh. Once I discovered blogging way back when (old blog, remember?) I was like a kid in a candy store, clicking link after link after link, bookmarking tons of blogs, etc. etc. Of course the majority were infertility blogs. I also read a few of my friends' other blogs too--mommy blogs (I know! I know!), just daily life kind of blogs.
So now I'm in this weird middle place--I still find myself drawn, like a freakin' bug to a light, to infertility blogs. But I'm not in treatment and I don't have any plans. Yet I still read, more connected to these strangers' lives than to many people in my real life. But sometimes reading them, reading about people still with cycles stretched out before them, or people in the midst of cycles, gets me down. Old jealousy rears its ugly head.
But yet I can't seem to look away.
Maybe because I feel like the old IVF veteran who can give support and maybe advice--although who in their right mind would want advice from a five time failure??--so I keep reading them. I don't know. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment.
So as far as one of my commenters who keeps leaving lotto numbers--I must know--do you have an inside scoop on those lotteries? Because if you do, I'll get myself to the ticket line pronto pronto! It's funny--I often daydream about winning the lottery (I guess everyone does) and I think about how it would solve my problem. Because deep down, I do believe I have a few good eggs left, I just need megabucks to find them. So yeah, let me know if where those numbers are coming from.... :)
Lately we've been doing all kinds of house projects, projects we'd been putting off for too long. I don't know what to call it, some kind of unnecessary but hopeful nesting? Who knows, but I do like crossing things off my list.
So here goes our recent conquests/upcoming conquests:
Paint garage floor
Sell sleeper chairs in study
Purchase new modern sleeper for study
Solve our infertility issues and stop this neverending PAIN
Whew. I'm tired.
Oh yeah--layer cake picture is a practice run for a birthday cake I was asked to do in a few weeks, I wouldn't just be randomly making a super tall quadruple layered cake in rainbow brite colors...!
And did you catch the sneaky one in the list?
I will sing from the rooftops the day I can strike through that one, but let's face it, I don't have many options.